Quickly start generating revenue with the open land at your self-storage facility

The benefits of utilizing open land for additional revenue

Are you a self-storage facility owner looking for ways to increase your revenue? If so, you may be overlooking a valuable asset: the open land on your property. By utilizing this space with High Plains relocatable self-storage buildings, you can quickly generate additional profits for your business.

According to Self Storage Association, the self-storage industry generated $41.7 billion in revenue in 2020. However, many self-storage facilities only utilize 70-80% of their rentable square footage, leaving open land for additional revenue streams.

There are several benefits to self-storage, like utilizing open land for additional revenue, including increased rental income and improved occupancy rates. By offering other storage options, you can attract new tenants and retain current ones. Additionally, utilizing open land can differentiate your facility from competitors.

Utilizing Open Land for High Plains Relocatable Self-Storage Buildings

One option for utilizing open land is installing High Plains relocatable self-storage buildings. These buildings offer ease of installation, flexibility, and customization options.

High Plains Manufacturing self-storage buildings can be easily set up by just two people in a matter of days. Once assembled, you can quickly begin generating revenue. Creating a new income stream is a great way to optimize your open land.

The global market for relocatable buildings is projected to reach $13.5 billion by 2027, indicating a growing demand for flexible and cost-effective storage solutions. Installing High Plains relocatable self-storage buildings on your open land allows you to add additional storage options and generate revenue quickly.

To optimize your open land for relocatable self-storage buildings, consider consulting with experts like High Plains Manufacturing to determine the best layout and unit mix for your facility. Options include various door configurations, partitions, and sizes.

Maximize Your Revenue Potential with High Plains Relocatable Self-Storage Buildings on Your Open Land

Utilizing the open land at your self-storage facility can quickly and effectively generate additional revenue. With High Plains relocatable self-storage buildings, you can easily set up additional storage options and generate revenue in just a few days.

Optimizing your open land for these options allows you to attract new tenants and retain current ones while differentiating your facility from competitors. With the self-storage industry continuing to grow, exploring all options for maximizing your revenue potential is important.

Consider consulting with experts like High Plains Manufacturing to determine the best options for your facility, and start generating additional income today. Get a quote at 855-733-4827 or on our website.